UH68G1 Space Heater

HDT’s UH68G1 is designed for a wide variety of applications including inside permanent mounting to outside temporary applications. The UH68G1 heater features 60,000 BTU (17.5 kW) heat output at 725 CFM (1,231 m3/h) air flow. The heater operates on a variety of liquid fuels (DF1, DF2, DFA, and JP8) and is designed to operate in temperatures as low as -60°F (-51.1°C).
Features include:
- Heater can be ordered with air discharge up, down or sideways
- Remote thermostat
- Control box can be mounted remotely from heater
- Fan-only option for ventilation
- Intake damper allows for fresh or recirculated air
- Ducts to direct heat where required
- EMI suppressed