Satellite Support Systems

DRASH® Satellite Support Systems join satellite communications technology and rugged and reliable DRASH shelters to form a complete integrated shelter system providing personnel with ample workspace, cover and concealment.
Utilizing the DRASH Satellite Support System, which can easily be set up by two personnel in less than 10 minutes, users can connect the various communication platforms in use today, such as the Satellite Transport Terminal (STT) and Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T), to any DRASH shelter – providing a larger, more effective work area from which they can operate communications equipment regardless of harsh weather and environmental conditions.
Features include:
- Shelter ensures convenient and tactically safe movement
- Accommodates a wide range of communications platforms, including the STT, WIN-T, JNN, Standard Integrated Command Post System (SICPS)
- Integrated Platform Solutions (IPS) Logistics Support, and Air Defense Airspace Management (ADAM) Cell
- Unique booting system provides a light-tight fabric connection between a vehicle and any DRASH shelter
- Shelter support equipment, including heaters and power distribution units, is also available