HDT Berg™ E2S2 Expandable Shelter System

The flagship product in the Berg line of rigid wall shelters, the E2S2 represents the next generation of ISO container-based expandable shelters built to maximize energy efficiency and provide ultimate flexibility in transport, deployment, and configuration. It is the new standard for forward operating bases or remote industrial camps.
The unique SIP panel construction and thermal break design make the E2S2 the industry leader in R-value and energy efficient performance. The E2S2 complies with MIL-STD-810 – ensuring a comfortable and manageable living and working space while saving fuel resources.
The standard cargo container features 3 inches of R17 rated cellulose spray-foam insulation in the container ceiling and floor and a lightweight aluminum inner frame that supports structural insulated panels (SIPs) made from polyurethane foam core with polypropylene honeycomb-based skins.
The expandable sides of the E2S2 feature self-supporting floors and gas spring and winch-assisted ceiling and floor panels to allow the entire shelter to be safely set up in 10 minutes by two personnel.
The E2S2 can be customized to meet any requirements, including billeting, operations, kitchen and dining, administration and more.
The E2S2 can be stacked nine high for storage or transport and two high when fully-deployed.