The HP-4/188 UST Trailer provides three primary features for the end user of a shelter – cargo space, environmental control and power. It has a 140 cubic foot (4.0 m3) cargo area, includes a 16 gallon (60.6 L) fuel tank and comes with an 18 kW Genset and 8 Ton (96,000 BTHU/H) ECU.


Genset output 18 kW  
Fuel tank capacity 16 gallons 60.6 liter
ECU output 8 Ton 96,000 BTU/H
Cargo volume 140 ft3 4.0 m3

L x W x H 228" x 86" x 78" 579 x 218 x 198 cm

Tare Pending  
Gross 6,500 lbs 2,948 kg
Tongue Pending  


UST Trailers